tonight after work, peter and i went to see clean, the film maggie cheung won best actress for at cannes. i was pretty much predisposed to like this film as i like just about anything maggie cheung is in. i did like it even if the subject matter is basic grill for your movie of the week. there was something about the film that felt soft. and i don’t mean the story, but the feeling i got while watching it(and something to do with the sound and the lighting of the film).

one drawback to the film was that in the middle section of the film they switch locations from canada to france. so the dialogue switches to french with no english subs of course. so i had the choice to either listen very closely to the dialogue and try to remember what i half learned in french class in high school, or look closely at the subtitles and try to figure out what was being said by the characters i could read. i didn’t succeed very well in either department i’m afraid. i guess i could have just had peter translate what was going on, but i’ve come to loathe people talking during movies to such a degree that it really wasn’t an option.